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2022 Way of Remembering Pilgrimage


The Way of Remembering is a pilgrimage designed to bring healing, harmony, and restoration of our humanity through a process of re-humanization. During this pilgrimage, participants are able to participate and experience a direct spiritual and ancestral connection through prayer, divination, ceremony, and transcendence at the sacred site of the Door of Return hosted by His Majesty Meto Ahoussan IX and the Holy city of Akbanankin. 

This is a site spiritually charged with over 300 millennia of African sovereignty that was interrupted by the trauma and destruction of European Slavery and Colonialism. Now to be undone by our ceremonial return with the intention to heal these wounds and restore our family. We will personally be guided by the King of Tado Civilization, His Majesty Meto Ahoussan IX, and receive a royal welcome and proper spiritual return to the Kingdom of Akbanankin, the capital of Africa’s oldest civilization.

This culturally immersive reconciliation is one that has to be experienced. Words could not do it justice! This is not a tour. This experience is not designed for tourists, but instead, this is a pilgrimage for healing and spiritual reconnection prepared by our ancestors and wise elders who have been waiting for our return since the day we were ripped away.

January 4

2021 Way of Remembering Pilgrimages

January 4

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