The Way of Remembering Experience
Over 350,000 years ago God sent one his greatest angelic architects EYRU from the Sirius Star to Earth to create civilization. He descended with a hammer in one hand and a nail in the other. When he descended to Earth, he chose to start the construction of human civilization in a place called Ezameh named after its Forest of Eza trees. It was in this sacred Forest that Africa’s first civilization emerged Ezameh TADO and the Anu people. From this civilization came great and magnificent developments both natural and supernatural. The TADO Kingdom spanned from modern day Nigeria to Ghana including Benin and Togo. From this Kingdom ambassadors of TADO migrated to different corners of the Earth to share their blueprint for human civilization.
It is the time to Return to the scene of the original crime and REMEMBER. We must remember how a sovereign people were subjugated, how the children of the African diaspora were orphaned, parents separated from their offspring, African families broken, and an entire land soaked in the blood of their mourning. Then we must go beyond these memories to recollect who we are as Africans, as children of Tado, and as human beings. The way of remembering aspires to heal these wounds by returning home to our source of universal spirituality; this is the only answer to restore our harmony and end the cycle of destruction.