Kingdom of Agbannakin
Tado civilization of the Xwla people spans from Bénin to Ghana and is the oldest African civilization. The civilization began in Ezame and over 100s of years the capital moved to Agbannakin. Prior to European colonialism the Kingdom of Agbannakin was the seat of power of Tado civilization. Today it continues to hold the power of Tado civilization and is the site of Royal Palais and throne of King Meto Ahoussan IX. Historically Agbannakin rules Tado civilization with peace and harmony for many centuries, and throughout the period of European slavery’s during colonialism the Kingdom did resist and fight. It suffered greatly but through the wisdom of the King his council and spiritual fortitude they have bit only survived the slaughter and destruction of the Europeans but have re-emerged with great power, unity, and vision to restore humanity.